"Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; God's steadfast love endures forever." -Psalm 136
Each year Rio Grande Presbyterian Church hosts a Thanksgiving Banquet. This year’s banquet is Sunday, November 11. Hosted by the Session, and prepared by our Clerk of Session, it is a time for members and friends of this congregation to give thanks to God for God’s many blessings; and to share a portion of those blessings to support the work and ministry of God.
For 60 years, this congregation has, as our mission statement reads, “fed mind, body and spirit as followers of Jesus Christ”. In 2009, it will celebrate the 20th anniversary of its founding of the Rio Grande Food Project—a ministry, which today, gives 4 tons of food, weekly, to people in need; and relies on the gifts and volunteer support of numerous individuals and churches across the city.
Many summers, Rio Grande’s Community Garden has produced, literally, a ton of fresh produce to help the food project. This Spring, we hope folks will volunteer to continue to plant, weed and water this garden; and create a “Garden Quilt”, a patchwork of flowers and veggies, in which church and community members can grow, together.
“Church and Community Forums” began this fall to hear from community groups, such as Love, Inc. (Love In the Name of Christ)--a southwest ecumenical volunteer program linking churches with folks in need--with whom Rio Grande has chosen to partner; and heard the experiences of church members about “Life Transitions”, and how these experiences have changed them.
You and I have the privilege to renew our commitment to support these, and other, works of love. I hope we will each choose to do so; and I hope to see you Nov. 11, Stewardship Sunday, 10:00 am, for worship, followed by a Thanksgiving Banquet to give God thanks—with our time, treasure and talents--for 60-years of faithful ministry and service.
Yours in Christ’s Service,
A Pastor in the Desert
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