Grace Notes in the Desert

Grace Notes in the Desert is written for the saints of Rio Grande Presbyterian Church and the surrounding community.

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Grace Notes acknowledges we need God's grace and forgivness as much as the desert water.


Sign Here?

"A new commandment I give you," Christ said, "love one another."

Late last century, I served as Associate Pastor to a church in Portland, OR, which liked to talk a lot about their congregation's "identity and culture". At the time, I wasn't altogether clear what they meant.

A decade later, I understand how every church, perhaps like every organization, has various characteristics and traits--ways of being and doing--that make each distinct. Lately, I like to call these things "a church's signature."

So, "What's our signature at Rio Grande Presbyterian Church?

Here's how I hear folks in the community around us answering. The homeless and visitors alike say: "Rio Grande is (one of) the friendliest churches in town: I feel welcome here!"

Participants in worship say: "I love the music, the sermons, and am grateful to God to worship here!"

Visitors and volunteers (as well as myself and most of the congregation) say: "I'm glad there is a Community Garden and Food Project to help others here!"

And, 18,000+ families say to the Food Project, and many of us, each year: "I'm grateful for the help you gave us when we needed it."

I, for one, am grateful that Rio Grande Presbyterian Church is a place where "God's grace happens".

May that be "our signature": God's grace, and the 'organizing principle' by which we set goals in this New Year!

Yours in Christ's Service,
A Pastor in the Desert
