Grace Notes in the Desert

Grace Notes in the Desert is written for the saints of Rio Grande Presbyterian Church and the surrounding community.

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Grace Notes acknowledges we need God's grace and forgivness as much as the desert water.



In an age of "social media", some people find web sites like Face Book pretentious, preposterous and, depending who's posting, down-right boring; I don't feel this way, however.

Where else can you learn that a gathering of starlings, suddenly descending by the thousands, from heaven to earth, is called a "Murmuration"; or that whole communities of Christian writers, artists, musicians, preachers and poets, routinely, gather to share their faith and work at places like The Glen on St. John's College in Santa Fe, or Laity Lodge in Leaky, Texas?

So, I'm grateful for the posts of a virtual community of friends and acquaintances who, by sharing, enrich my world and its views. And, I find myself asking: "How could we share more of our life and love, music and worship, study and service, hiking, gardening, and hospitality in ways that are a blessing?"

How will we grow unless we get involved? That said, I hope you and I will take the initiative to do so. There are plenty of ways: a new church web site; monthly hikes; weekly gardening; new and old fellowship and study groups; monthly church teams; worship; study; service.

It's a blessing to learn; it's a joy to grow; it's a privilege to share. With God's grace, I hope we will recommit to do so in ways that bless one another, the neighborhood, and world around us.

Yours in Christ's Service,
A Pastor in the Desert
