Grace Notes in the Desert

Grace Notes in the Desert is written for the saints of Rio Grande Presbyterian Church and the surrounding community.

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Grace Notes acknowledges we need God's grace and forgivness as much as the desert water.



What do we notice in this season of Advent?

Do we even know it’s Advent: a time when the earth tilts from the sun; the days are darker sooner; and all creation, dormant, seems to pause, lean toward, wait for…a Savior?

A Savior who will save us from ourselves and put an end to death; a Savior who is God’s promise—one that only God can make and God can keep; a Savior who brings peace on earth, to this earth, with its centuries of wars; a Savior whose birth, sung by angels, heard by shepherds, is advertised as loudly as a star.

Would it be surprising if no one noticed; or, in this world, believed? How much more surprising…if someone did?

Helen Keller wrote:

"Now and then I have tested my seeing friends to discover what they see.Recently I was visited by a very good friend who had just returned from a long walk through the woods. 'What did you see?', I asked her.'Nothing, in particular,' she replied. I might have been incredulous had I not been accustomed to such responses; for long ago I became convinced that the seeing see little."

This Advent may God give us eyes to see; ears to hear; and a heart to understand and turn to Him, Emmanuel, God with us: hidden in a song, a field, a star, a child.

To us, and to this world, a Savior’s born. I wonder: do we have the faith to see?And, if so, the courage to follow where He leads?

Wishing you a blessed Christmas,
A Pastor in the Desert