Grace Notes in the Desert

Grace Notes in the Desert is written for the saints of Rio Grande Presbyterian Church and the surrounding community.

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Grace Notes acknowledges we need God's grace and forgivness as much as the desert water.



Money is one of the last taboos of our society--a subject many of us cringe to hear whenever it’s mentioned--especially in Church. However, God’s call involves our whole life--including our money--which, as Francis of Assisi liked to say, isn’t really ours, but, rather, a gift from God entrusted to us.

November, in the Presbyterian Church, is, traditionally, the time to talk about Stewardship; and to ask questions like ‘how do we share our time, talents and treasure in ways that glorify God and help one another?”

At my children’s school there is an annual tradition called “Shine”. It’s a time when kids share their gifts with one another on a stage, and, literally, shine. It’s an important part of their life together as students and an academic community. How much more so might it be for the Church who is called to shine forth with the love of Christ?

Contrary to corporate opinion, the truth is: ‘nobody’s replaceable-- everybody’s unique and everybody’s necessary’. Each of us have been given gifts and resources someone else needs and everyone benefits from by sharing. On Sunday, November 14th during worship, we will have the opportunity to share our money and make a pledge to support this congregation in 2011; and to give God thanks, afterwards, at our Annual Thanksgiving Potluck meal. I hope you will make plans to be there.

As I like to say, “None of us can do everything, but all of us can do something.” I hope we’ll each prayerfully consider how God is calling us to shine as God‘s people, in this church, on the corner of Coors and Daytona!

Yours in Christ’s Service,
Pastor Linda Roberts-Baca



“How good and pleasant it is when (we) live together in unity.” -Psalm 133

Autumn in New Mexico: we, who live here, know it as a time of crisp walks; yellow cottonwood trees; hot air balloons; turquoise skies; red ristras strung together on adobe vigas; green chili roasting everywhere.

Autumn in the Church is, also, traditionally, the beginning of a new year; and this year promises to be a time of new partnerships and opportunities as we journey together, in faith, as God’s people.

If you have been looking for a way to grow in faith and in community with others, I invite you to consider getting involved in the ministries listed within these pages, as well as two, in particular, I’d like to highlight for you:

Ecumenical Study Group with our Catholic friends: offered six Tuesday evenings, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm, beginning Oct. 12 for six weeks. We will be learning about the World’s Religions via a DVD series (narrated by Ben Kingsley) at Holy Rosary (on Fortuna).Bring a sack lunch and join us. I hope you will join us these fall evenings(we hope to host a similar series with live speakers at Rio Grande Church with Holy Rosary in the Spring).

Worship in the Wilderness, a wonderful new fellowship group, begun by Melissa Bemis Madera a graduate of Duke Divinity School,and pastor of Trinity United Methodist Church, will offer hikes second Saturdays which include worship. My hope is that our intergenerational group will meet these 2nd Saturdays to hike with other Christians and people of faith in God’s great cathedral, nature. The first hike will be held Saturday, October 9, 10:00 am,at Tree Springs trailhead (I have directions) or meet at Trinity United Methodist Church on Silver Ave (and carpool to the trail head).

How do you grow in faith? Get involved--with God‘s work and God‘s people. That’s how. If you haven’t already, I hope you will do so now!

Yours in Christ’s Service,
Pastor Linda Roberts-Baca
